Venue Management

An Insider’s Perspective

101-2-keyNorth Texas prides itself on the wide variety of amazing & unique venues to entertain guests. Your guest’s experience at the right venue sets the foundation for a truly unforgettable event!

However, a wrong venue selection can prove to be disastrous… It’s not pretty.

That’s where we can help. Ultimate Ventures has relationships with the area’s top venues and can save you time, money and potential headaches. Here’s how:

  • Time Savings:Our teams of experts have executed programs at the major venues in town, and we know what works and what doesn’t for different types of groups. You’re not wasting time guessing.
  • Contingency Planning:It’s in our DNA to have a back-up plan. Some venues may not consider this until after the fact. We know about potential pitfalls (and how to proactively work around them) to plan for the worst case scenarios. Murphy’s Law is stopped in its tracks!
  • Relationships:Working with key venues on a regular basis, we have the benefit of receiving preferential pricing and treatment. Venues are highly motivated to make us happy knowing that repeat business is likely when they provide consistent quality service. Simply enjoy the added benefits of having friends in all the right places.
  • Budgeting:Working with a DMC can actually help save you money, particularly when you factor in the costs of time, labor and avoided problems. You’ve been there. When you try and juggle everything, budgets can get busted and problems can occur. Now, you have someone to help.